What is a balanced diet?

One of the most celebratednovels –‘Three Men in a Boat’ begins with three characters considering themselves plagued with various ailments. They even diagnose themselves of a few. After concluding that they should be dead soon, they finally realize that they’re overworked and require a healthy meal. They have a good meal and things start to look up.

Eating well keeps us healthy and good spirited. A few days of eating junk or unhealthy food makes us cranky and just plain pessimistic. The body needs the vital vitamins and minerals to function appropriately. We shouldn’t underestimate the benefits of maintaining a balanced diet. Intake the following itemsideally for a healthier lifestyle:

Fruits & Veggies

All of us love eating out and mostly indulge in fatty foods and drinks. While it may feel like you’re on top of the world, the next day seems gloomy. As always, the reason is the diet. Ensure having fruits and vegetables at least twice a day as they’re great source of vitamins and minerals. They also contain fiber that is essential for proper digestion. People who eat ample fruits and vegetables are less prone to severe ailments.An apple, banana, orange and others will definitely keep the physician away.

Fruit and Veggies

Starchy Food

Starch is simply the fuel for our cells. It goes through a various steps during digestion to make glucose for the body. A third of our diet should at least comprise starch. Eating potatoes with their skins are a great source of starch. Bananas, cereals, low carb bread, corn and pastas are also starch rich foods.

Starchy Food

Dairy Products

Our sedentary habits influence our metabolism. Men and women require around 50 and 40 grams of protein everyday respectively. The grammage varies depending on your body. Milk and other dairy products contain the essential proteins that are the building blocks of life.Additionally, dairy foods area good source of calcium as well. This makes them good for our muscles and bones.You can add fruit bread with milk for flavor.Dairy produce does contain fat as well, so you can substitute your regular products with low skimmed milk or low fat cheese and butter. Goods made out of Soya make a great substitute for dairy products.

Dairy products

Protein Rich Foods

Dairy products cannot satisfy our expanse of protein needs alone. Foods like fish, chicken, pulses, eggs, beans etc. contain high protein and we should include them in our daily intake. Apart from protein, they contain the essential vitamins, minerals and iron and zinc. They are required to make enzymes, hormones, and other body chemicals.

While we might focus on avoiding fat, it is a requisite for a healthy body if limited to small amounts. Eating healthy doesn’t mean that we must always compromise on taste. A stable diet aids the bodily functions and keeps us in shape. It defines our disposition as well, so start maintaining you diet!
Protein Rich Foods
